Fighting Food Insecurity by Addressing Transportation Barriers

Bus Food Pantry

When we talk to our neighbors about food security, one of the most common struggles we hear is that they don’t have a vehicle to get them to a pantry or food distribution. Harvesters is working to address this barrier by piloting new distribution methods and using a mapping tool to highlight existing community food resources.

How We Are Doing It

Bus Stop Pop-Up Food Pantries

Harvesters brings food to area bus stops. The bus stop pop-up food pantry model offers full choice and provides food (and other necessities) tailored to the needs of bus riders. This is a newer initiative, so please stay tuned as we add more locations.

Current Pop-Up Locations:

Bus Stop:
31st and Troost
Kansas City, Missouri

First Monday
of each month
11:30 a.m. until food runs out

Topeka Metro Hub:
Quincy Street Station
820 SE Quincy St, Topeka, KS 66612

Every other month on the second Wednesday from 11 – 12:30 p.m.

2025 Schedule:
February 12, April 16, June 11, August 15, October 15, December 10, 2025

Check out this video that gives you a glimpse into what a Bus Stop Pop Up Food Pantry looks like.

Using Technology to Bring Food Resources and Bus Routes Together


To better serve our neighbors who rely on public transportation, we are partnering with Kansas City Area Transit Authority, Lawrence Transit, and Topeka Metro to create a mapping tool displaying Harvesters’ partner agency food pantries located near bus stops in these metro areas.

We are in the process of wrapping up development of this new exciting tool and will place a link to it here when it’s complete. So be sure to check back here for updates!

More Information or to Participate

If you would like more information or are interested in participating in Harvesters’ Food+ initiatives, please contact Danon Hare, Food+ Program Manager, at

Harvest 365 Small Effort Big Impact.