Harvesters’ work to feed the hungry would not be possible without the support of food and financial donors, agencies and volunteers. Harvesters works strategically to use these resources wisely and effectively to provide food to as many people as possible, educate about hunger and contribute to the overall health and well-being of the region we serve.

Our Annual Report

FY23 Annual Report
FY23 Volunteers – Organizations
FY23 Volunteers – Individuals
FY23 Volunteers – Youth
FY23 Donors – Individuals
FY23 Product Donors

Past Annual Reports

FY22 Annual Report
FY22 Volunteers – Organizations
FY22 Volunteers – Individuals
FY22 Food and Fund Drives – Organizations
FY22 Food and Fund Drives – Individuals
FY22 Donors – Organizations
FY22 Donors – Individuals
FY22 Product Donors

FY2021 Annual Report
FY21Volunteers – Organizations
FY21 Volunteers – Individuals
FY21 Food and Fund Drives – Organizations
FY21 Food and Fund Drives – Individuals
FY21 Donors – Organizations
FY21 Donors – Individuals
FY21 Product Donors

FY20 Annual Report
FY20 Volunteers-Organizations
FY20 Volunteers-Individuals
FY20 Food and Fund Drives-Organizations
FY20 Food and Fund Drives-Individuals
FY20 Donors – Organizations
FY20 Donors – Individuals
FY20 Product Donors

Our 990 Forms

Harvesters 2022 990
Harvesters 2021 990
Harvesters 2020 990
HCFN 2020 990

Harvesters 2019 990
HCFN 2019 990
Harvesters 2018 Form 990
HCFN 2018 Form 990

Our Audit Reports

Harvesters Audit Report 2022-2023
Harvesters Audit Report 2021-2022
Harvesters Audit Report 2020-2021
Harvesters Audit Report 2019-2020