From the Winter 2023 Local Harvest Newsletter.
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Like many grandmothers, Eloise, 79, is proud of her grandkids and looks forward to all the ways she can help take care of them — including with a warm bowl of chili.
We met Eloise on a recent visit to the client-choice food pantry at Cross-Lines Community Outreach, Inc. where she says she visits once a month to help stretch her food budget.
“This really helps me,” she says of the food pantry. “It helps fill the gap.”
With the food she’s taking home, Eloise plans to cook up chili for her grandchildren the next time they visit. In total, she has 15 grandchildren who rotate their visits.
“This is for everyone, especially the grandbabies,” she says of the food she’s taking home.
Eloise lives with her adult daughter, who suffered a major stroke in 2014 and has endured a long road to recovery. Meanwhile, Eloise says her own medications are expensive, leaving little money left over for groceries.
“Without [the food pantry], I don’t know if I would even be here,” Eloise says. Thank you for making healthy food accessible to our neighbors of all ages across northeastern Kansas and northwestern Missouri.
Thank you for donating to help make sure neighbors like Eloise and her family have nutritious food to fuel each day.