SNAP Assistance
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), formerly known as food stamps, is one of the most powerful tools for addressing hunger in our community. This federal nutrition program, administered by the state, uses an Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) card, much like a debit card, to help eligible people stretch their food budgets and buy the healthy foods they need at authorized locations. Harvesters’ SNAP Outreach program provides assistance to anyone who wants to learn more about the program and apply for benefits.
Find out if you qualify
Our team can help determine if you are eligible. Call our SNAP Helpline at 1-877-653-9522*, text SNAP to (785) 333-9233* or fill out the contact form below. We will conduct a brief, free and confidential screening over the phone to determine if you would qualify, and then assist you with completing and filing your application. You do not have to visit a government office or stand in line.
USDA Notice to Beneficiaries and Prospective Beneficiaries
"*" indicates required fields

*By providing my phone number, I understand that Harvesters—The Community Food Network may text message me on my cellular phone periodically as part their efforts to assist me with questions about the SNAP program or filling out a SNAP application. Harvesters will never charge for text system alerts. Carrier message and data rates may apply to such alerts. Text “STOP” to stop receiving messages. See Terms & Conditions.
Why is Harvesters involved in SNAP outreach and assistance?
Harvesters provides emergency food assistance to families with low incomes. Hunger rates remain high, and many families need more than one-time emergency help with food. Federal nutrition assistance programs, such as SNAP, are Harvesters’ partners in feeding those experiencing food insecurity. SNAP provides people with a consistent means to purchase the nutritious food they want and need. Learn more about the facts, myths and realities surrounding SNAP.
Why is SNAP a good option for food assistance?
SNAP is a great option for food assistance because it is 100% client choice. If you are eligible for the program, you receive an EBT card (like a debit card) that can be used at any store that accepts EBT to buy food. It allows people to choose the food that best meets their dietary and/or cultural needs.
I’ve never applied for SNAP before. How should I proceed?
If this is your first time applying, or if you have questions about the process, please call Harvesters’ SNAP Helpline at 877-653-9522 or text SNAP to (785) 333-9233. Our team can answer questions about the application process and help you complete an application over the phone.
How easy is it to apply, or how does Harvesters’ SNAP Outreach Team make the process easier and less intimidating?
Harvesters’ SNAP Outreach Team helps people complete an application over the phone. Our team members make the process simple and smooth. They will set you up with either an online or paper application and make sure it is submitted to the state. Online applications can be submitted immediately. The team will explain the next steps after the application is submitted and provide contact info you need for those steps.
How long does it take to receive benefits once I apply?
If you are emergency eligible (which the state determines), and you are approved, you should have benefits within 7 days. If you are not emergency eligible, it may take up to 30 days, so it’s a good idea to submit an application as soon as you realize you need help.
What kind of information is needed to submit an application?
A copy of a photo ID is the main piece of information. Beyond that, it depends on each household submitting an application and what financial information is declared on the application. Copies of paycheck stubs are needed for those who are employed, and bank account balances may be needed in other cases.
When are SNAP benefits distributed? Does everyone get them at the first of the month?
It varies from state to state. For Missouri, here is the distribution schedule for food stamp benefits. In Kansas, the first letter of your last name determines which day you get benefits, and they are issued from the 1st through the 10th of the month.
What can people do to protect SNAP and push for more funding?
Contact federal lawmakers. Tell them we need more from SNAP. It’s a quick and easy way to inject money into impacted areas during a crisis, and the money is spent at local retailers, so it spreads further than just benefits to the individual. SNAP has a great economic impact. Visit our advocate page for more ways you can use your voice to fight hunger in our community.
Where is a good place to find SNAP data by state?
The Food Research & Action Center has an interesting interactive map providing state-by-state data on the households participating in SNAP, based on American Community Survey (ACS) 5-Year data (2012-2016), and the percentage of households participating in SNAP for metro, small town, and rural counties. Scroll over a state to view the participation rates.