So Many Ways to Make a Difference

Gifts of Stock and Mutual Funds

Donating stocks, bonds, or other securities allows you to support Harvesters while potentially receiving significant tax benefits. If you do plan to donate stock or mutual fund shares, please contact Cindy Shanks at or (816) 929-3015 for more detailed instructions.

Tell us About your Donation
Please note our provider has changed to US Bank. After you’ve initiated the transfer, please notify Cindy Shanks at (816) 929-3015 or Due to privacy concerns, US Bank will not identify you when notifying us about your stock donation. You must notify the food bank of your donation, so we can send your tax receipt letter and confirm that your stock was transferred.

Missouri Neighborhood Assistance Tax Credit

Harvesters participates in the Missouri Neighborhood Assistance Program (NAP), which allows us to distribute 50% tax credits to qualifying donors. Eligible donors consist of businesses; shareholders in an S-corporation; a partner in a Partnership; members of a Limited Liability Corporation; or individuals who operate a sole proprietorship, operate a farm, have rental property, or have royalty income in the state of Missouri. To learn more about obtaining NAP tax credits, contact us at

Missouri Food Pantry Tax Credit

This tax credit is available to Missouri taxpayers who donate up to $2,500, per taxpayer, per year. If giving online, indicate that your donation is to be counted toward this tax credit in the comments section of the web page. If mailing your gift, please include this request with your donation. After receiving the donation, Harvesters will send the completed application to you for tax filing. For questions or more information, contact Cindy Shanks at or (816) 929-3015.

Thrivent Choice

Harvesters is enrolled in Thrivent Financial’s Thrivent Choice® program. If you are a Thrivent member with allocated Choice Dollars you may direct funds to feed hungry families, children, and seniors in our 26-county service area. To learn more and support your hungry neighbors, visit Thrivent Choice.

Host a Food or Fund Drive

Hosting a food and fund drive is a fun and easy way to support Harvesters! Organizations of all sizes and ages can host successful food drives to help provide to those in need in our community. Learn more by visiting our Host A Food or Fund Drive Page, Host A Virtual Food Drive Page and our Food Drive Toolkit Page to get the ideas rolling.

United Way Donations

When you donate to the Heart of America United Way, the United Way of Wyandotte County, or the United Way of Greater Topeka you may designate your gift for Harvesters.

Heartland Combined Federal Campaign

During the annual Combined Federal Campaign (CFC), employees and retirees can designate their pledges to Harvesters with the agency code #52877.

Harvest 365 Small Effort Big Impact.